Thursday, September 7, 2006

Free Loan Investments - Bomb the Bourgeoisie

Today I was downtown in Lund. My plan was to make an appointment at the hairdresser, but I also took some time to cross the central square in order to see how the political parties prepared for the upcoming elections.

I could not stop laughing when I noticed that The Centre Party (Centerpartiet) had their representatives at another address. Were they afraid of competetion? I could not help but walk past the representatives of The New Moderate Party (Nya Moderaterna) either. It was of course the same old ideas hidden behind a new name. An old lady working for that party actually started talking to me. She gave me a bunch of brochures. One of the brochures had the following message written on the front.

"A Better Sweden.
For Everyone."

I asked how that went together with their planned sale of The Lund University Hospital, The Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg and The Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm. I got the answer I do not know much about that and I do not really understand how they plan. But please look at this instead, it is our manifest!

I then went home where I was met by a staircase decorated with hundreds of paper shreds that all embodied fragments of election pledges.
I understand that it is easy to get tired of all the betrayal and lying, but the elections soon take place and we determine our own future. I know what I have decided.

If you like today's song, you should also check out If You Leave by the same band.

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