Thursday, April 5, 2007

The San Marino - Super Sexy TV Girl

Our language is constantly changing and so is the terminology. Today, even bands on major labels are described as indie pop. Twee is another term which often is used incorrectly nowadays. As a listener you just need to listen to soft music to be categorized as twee. Ironically, I really like the broader (and incorrect) definition of twee as it simplifies my search for new favourite music.

I easily admit that I do not understand the narrow, more orthodox form of twee. I can certainly understand that people do not appreciate Jari Haapalainen-like sterile sound landscapes, but real twee is probably the world's worst-produced music. Far too often I hear great melodies getting destroyed by the tinny sound which make it impossible to hear a single word of the song. Apparently it is supposed to be that way. The Haircuts is one of many band that could had sounded so much better if they were less twee. The San Marinos in contrast make twee which sounds really good, despite the tinny sound.

Then of course there are twee bands that are just wimpy or very pointless too, but they deserve their own posts and I will write about that another time.

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