I am yet to see Katie Goes to Tokyo live. I am a little anxious. Concerned that the concert will be chopped to pieces by speaking people who do not care. Those who do not agree that Katie for an evening may be the most important thing in life. We will see what happens with that.
I was also a bit worried when I wrote this review. Sometimes it is hard to put words to feelings. I want everyone to love this album. Katie sings about her life with simple lyrics. I recognized my own life in the opening song Moving from This Town.
this town was never meant to be gentle
see, it wasn't made for people like me
so hold your breath I'm on my way
I'm going now, to my friends in my hometown
back to my friends in my hometown
Alone in a new town in a new life. With a bus ticket to family and friends in my hometown I went aboard, and promised myself not to come back. Then I stood there again on Sunday, at the front door to the future. The train back to school in Lund was overbooked. Perhaps there were more people than me who wondered if there really was no room for us. It was difficult to fall asleep and I did not know what I wanted with my life.
feel so tired I can’t sleep
I have so much to figure out
cause everything is different now
I needed something warm. Katie's album has given me more than that. Each song is special. It is difficult to pick favourite songs. If I had to pick one song, I would choose Until She Breaks. I want to tell you so much, but you should listen and create your own memories.
I think I will find my place in life at last. In the future, it is possible that Katie's debut album will remind me of a time in my life that only created wounds. Katie will still be there. As a friend in life in a world that was far too harsh. It may sound like clichés, but every word is true. I will never forget this album. It was more beautiful than life.
Nine out of Ten
(Originally published on July 25, 2006)
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