I woke up by myself well rested nine o'clock in the morning to a day off. Apparently, I am going to travel between Lund and Malmö the next ten weeks, and with that I say goodbye to one hour a day.
In total, I spent 1300 SEK directly related to my studies yesterday. The monthly bus card cost 640 SEK and the course literature was equally expensive. Surprisingly, I was still happy because I managed to "cheat" the system and come home with a CD album I almost got for free.
The Academy bookstore (Akademibokhandeln) hands out discount cards for which you collect stamps. Ten stamps mean that you can deduct 100 SEK when you buy at their store. Yesterday, I had for once remembered to bring my old half-filled discount card and reached ten stamps. I expected to get my discount but it would only be given at the next purchase. That is annoyingly stupid and it would not be possible to use the discount without buying things I do not need right now. I walked around in the bookstore, thought about it and then asked the cashier if I could use the discount on music CDs. That was okay, so I came home with Säkert's debut album for 29 SEK. What a bargain!
It is said that a new semester is an excellent time for a fresh start. I would actually feel that way if I could only get my apartment cleaned. The new year has started well so far. Let us celebrate with some new music. Sons and Daughters sound like Long Blondes in some songs. Sons and Daughter's latest album This Gift may not be as good, but the song Darling is wonderful. Listen at the band's myspace.
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