Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Laurel Music - No One Wants Forever #1

Laurel Music - No One Wants Forever #1

The autumn leaves now have the same colours as on the cover of Laurel Music's debut album!

Unfortunately, this fall will not get any more beautiful to me. I have taken decisions which will affect my life. I do not know if I am completely happy with the decisions, but I can not go on pretending that everything is fine when I five days a week feel sad when I wake up just because it is a new day.

There are still a few pleasures left which no one can take away from me. I have ordered a couple of records from Fraction Discs and I will see Anna Ternheim live for the second time on Saturday. The records may arrive on Friday, but that feels far away. First I have to do some important things. Tonight I will write an email which could had decided my life if it was written a few weeks earlier. Now it is just an end of a time that was. We make our choices and we have to live with them. I do not care as much as I should, and it is frightening that things you dreamed of no longer means anything. Tomorrow I will terminate my rental agreement.

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