i dreamt of you last night
but you're never there
when i turn on the light
i hope you're alright
it's been nearly two months
since you left my life
and i wonder will we ever
end up together?
i wonder about you
i'm starting to miss you
it's been a long time
i'm longing to kiss you
have i left it too late?
boy that i dream of
you're so worth the wait
and i wonder will we ever
end up together?
i wonder about you
i dreamt of you last night
but you're never there
when i turn on the light
i hope you're alright
it's been nearly three months
since you wrecked my life
An indie pop/twee love story told in English (yet to be written). Please come back in 2014. The blog is still under construction.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
My 2006
The Au Revoir Simone show on November 17 will be a nice ending to an absolutely amazing year of concerts. In total, I spent 22 nights at concerts this year. It is pretty much given that I did not attend any real festival this summer. You find my concert stories in the right column labelled as Concerts.
01 Language of Flowers - May 27 at Mejeriet, Lund
02 Hello Saferide - March 11 at Mejeriet, Lund
03 Like Honey - September 3 at Mejeriet, Lund
04 Belle and Sebastian - May 13 at Kulturbolaget, Malmö
05 Camera Obscura - October 7 at Kulturbolaget, Malmö
01 Laurel Music - Winter Slow
L A U R E L M U S I C.
Pop hearts never die! I have heard the future and it sounds wonderful. Laurel Music is worth waiting for.
02 Sambassadeur - Marie
I was convinced that Marie was the song of the year when I wrote my half year list. Marie was actually more than a song to me. Things have changed since then and Marie thus only gets an honorable second place on this list.
03 Language of Flowers - You're The One
My beloved Language of Flowers do not seem in a hurry with the sequel to Songs About You. They have a lot to live up to. With You're The One Language of Flowers show that they can still deliver spellbinding "girl meets boy"-stories. And I listen to every word.
04 Lucky Soul - Lips Are Unhappy
I heard Lips Are Unhappy in early June and thought it was a good pop song, but it would take another month before I really fell in love. Five months later, I am a little sad that there were no promoters in southern Sweden who wanted to set up a show with Ali Howard's band but you can not have everything you want. SHAKE SHIMMY SHIMMY SHAKE SHIMMY.
05 Katie Goes to Tokyo - Alone
Katie has meant more to me than anyone else this year. She was there when I slides and she was still there when my life collapsed. I try to rebuild it, piece by piece. I no longer know what I want but I know that Katie makes it a little easier to wake up in the morning.
06 Camera Obscura - Lloyd, I'm Ready to Be Heartbroken
07 Hello Saferide - 2006
08 Katie Goes to Tokyo - The Girl Who Ruined Your World
09 Lucky Soul - The Great Unwanted
10 Belle and Sebastian - Another Sunny Day
11 Anna Ternheim - Tribute to Linn
12 Mates of State - Beautiful Dreamer
13 The Magic Numbers - Take a Chance
14 Firefox AK - City to City
15 The Charade - My Song to You
16 Vapnet - Färjemansleden
17 Headlights - TV
18 Morrissey - You Have Killed Me
19 The Pipettes- Because It's Not Love (But It's Still a Feeling)
20 Those Transatlantics - Whiskey and Tea
21 Acid House King - Keep Your Love by The Loveninjas
22 The Essex Green - Penny and Jack
23 Like Honey - New York
24 The Positions - Back to Me
25 The Tidy Ups - Lack of Nourishment
There seem to be unspoken rules which determine that a year list shall contain 25 albums. That are just too many albums for me. It is rather pointless to list more records than you will remember when you look back on the year later. I present a top10 this year. I could have done a top15 instead, but no more records than that.
01 Katie Goes to Tokyo - Katie Goes to Tokyo
02 The Positions - Bliss!
03 Those Transatlantics - Knocked Out
04 Mates of State - Bring It Back
05 The Charade - A Real Life Drama
06 My Latest Novel - Wolves
07 Anna Ternheim - Separation Road
08 The Essex Green - Cannibal Sea
09 Marit Larsen - Under the Surface
10 The Pipettes - We Are The Pipettes
Also good: The Besties - Singer, The High Violets - To Where You Are, Math and Physics Club - Math and Physics Club, Ms. John Soda - Notes and the Like, The Weepies - Say I Am You, Firefox AK - Madame Madame, Tilly and the Wall - Bottom of the Barrels.
Not evaluated: The Snow Fairies - Voila!, Friday Bridge, Tralala - Is That The Tralala.
01 Sambassadeur - Coastal Affairs
02 The Tidy Ups - Dizzy Heights
03 Hello Saferide - Would You Let Me Play This EP Ten Times A Day?
04 Gentle Touch - Gentle Touch
05 The Postal Blue - Road to Happiness
Not evaluated: Lucky Soul.
Next year's best album will most likely be the the sequel to This Night and The Nex. I can not see how any other band would compete with Laurel Music. There is a good chance that all bands on the top3 album list will be sorted under the letter "L". Lucky Soul, Like Honey, and Looker all release debut albums. And although I doubt it there is a possibility that even Language of Flowers are recording a new album. Architecture in Helsinki and Sambassadeur are working on new albums. Shelflife Records returns with new releases.
There is a basis for 2007 to become the best record year of the 2000s.
The Au Revoir Simone show on November 17 will be a nice ending to an absolutely amazing year of concerts. In total, I spent 22 nights at concerts this year. It is pretty much given that I did not attend any real festival this summer. You find my concert stories in the right column labelled as Concerts.
01 Language of Flowers - May 27 at Mejeriet, Lund
02 Hello Saferide - March 11 at Mejeriet, Lund
03 Like Honey - September 3 at Mejeriet, Lund
04 Belle and Sebastian - May 13 at Kulturbolaget, Malmö
05 Camera Obscura - October 7 at Kulturbolaget, Malmö
01 Laurel Music - Winter Slow
L A U R E L M U S I C.
Pop hearts never die! I have heard the future and it sounds wonderful. Laurel Music is worth waiting for.
02 Sambassadeur - Marie
I was convinced that Marie was the song of the year when I wrote my half year list. Marie was actually more than a song to me. Things have changed since then and Marie thus only gets an honorable second place on this list.
03 Language of Flowers - You're The One
My beloved Language of Flowers do not seem in a hurry with the sequel to Songs About You. They have a lot to live up to. With You're The One Language of Flowers show that they can still deliver spellbinding "girl meets boy"-stories. And I listen to every word.
04 Lucky Soul - Lips Are Unhappy
I heard Lips Are Unhappy in early June and thought it was a good pop song, but it would take another month before I really fell in love. Five months later, I am a little sad that there were no promoters in southern Sweden who wanted to set up a show with Ali Howard's band but you can not have everything you want. SHAKE SHIMMY SHIMMY SHAKE SHIMMY.
05 Katie Goes to Tokyo - Alone
Katie has meant more to me than anyone else this year. She was there when I slides and she was still there when my life collapsed. I try to rebuild it, piece by piece. I no longer know what I want but I know that Katie makes it a little easier to wake up in the morning.
06 Camera Obscura - Lloyd, I'm Ready to Be Heartbroken
07 Hello Saferide - 2006
08 Katie Goes to Tokyo - The Girl Who Ruined Your World
09 Lucky Soul - The Great Unwanted
10 Belle and Sebastian - Another Sunny Day
11 Anna Ternheim - Tribute to Linn
12 Mates of State - Beautiful Dreamer
13 The Magic Numbers - Take a Chance
14 Firefox AK - City to City
15 The Charade - My Song to You
16 Vapnet - Färjemansleden
17 Headlights - TV
18 Morrissey - You Have Killed Me
19 The Pipettes- Because It's Not Love (But It's Still a Feeling)
20 Those Transatlantics - Whiskey and Tea
21 Acid House King - Keep Your Love by The Loveninjas
22 The Essex Green - Penny and Jack
23 Like Honey - New York
24 The Positions - Back to Me
25 The Tidy Ups - Lack of Nourishment
There seem to be unspoken rules which determine that a year list shall contain 25 albums. That are just too many albums for me. It is rather pointless to list more records than you will remember when you look back on the year later. I present a top10 this year. I could have done a top15 instead, but no more records than that.
01 Katie Goes to Tokyo - Katie Goes to Tokyo
02 The Positions - Bliss!
03 Those Transatlantics - Knocked Out
04 Mates of State - Bring It Back
05 The Charade - A Real Life Drama
06 My Latest Novel - Wolves
07 Anna Ternheim - Separation Road
08 The Essex Green - Cannibal Sea
09 Marit Larsen - Under the Surface
10 The Pipettes - We Are The Pipettes
Also good: The Besties - Singer, The High Violets - To Where You Are, Math and Physics Club - Math and Physics Club, Ms. John Soda - Notes and the Like, The Weepies - Say I Am You, Firefox AK - Madame Madame, Tilly and the Wall - Bottom of the Barrels.
Not evaluated: The Snow Fairies - Voila!, Friday Bridge, Tralala - Is That The Tralala.
01 Sambassadeur - Coastal Affairs
02 The Tidy Ups - Dizzy Heights
03 Hello Saferide - Would You Let Me Play This EP Ten Times A Day?
04 Gentle Touch - Gentle Touch
05 The Postal Blue - Road to Happiness
Not evaluated: Lucky Soul.
Next year's best album will most likely be the the sequel to This Night and The Nex. I can not see how any other band would compete with Laurel Music. There is a good chance that all bands on the top3 album list will be sorted under the letter "L". Lucky Soul, Like Honey, and Looker all release debut albums. And although I doubt it there is a possibility that even Language of Flowers are recording a new album. Architecture in Helsinki and Sambassadeur are working on new albums. Shelflife Records returns with new releases.
There is a basis for 2007 to become the best record year of the 2000s.
Katie Goes to Tokyo,
Language of Flowers,
Laurel Music,
Lucky Soul,
Songs About You
A week for concerts

Next week will be a good week for concerts, especially if you live in Stockholm. Amy Linton of The Aislers Set is standing on a scene in Stockholm already tonight as the support act for The Ladybug Transistor. Sufjan Stevens comes to the venue Berns on Wednesday, but his concert clashes with Pipas' show. I do not live in Stockholm, but I would had chosen Pipas if I did.
Pipas will come to Malmö next week, but I will most likely miss out on that show because I rather want to see Au Revoir Simone at Blekingska. I want to see both bands, but it would be fun to bring a nice last memory from Blekingska before I leave this town.
Laura Watling - My Fondest Wish
Does the voice sound familiar? Laura Watling also played in The Autocollants. I looked at Shelflife's website yesterday. There, I was greeted by the following message:
2007 will be a fantastic pop year.
2007 will be a fantastic pop year.
S Is for SongMeanings
I discovered SongMeanings when a kind soul gave me a link to the lyrics of The Late Great Cassiopia. Since then I always go to SongMeanings in the first place when I search for song lyrics. It is amazing that you can find lyrics of The Field Mice, Heavenly, and Red Sleeping Beauty at the same place. The SongMeanings crew shows it is possible to run a lyric site without turning it into a tasteless space for adverts that flash like a Christmas tree.
I recently created an account at SongMeanings. A friend of mine helped me transcribe the lyrics of Language of Flowers - If It's Not You (mp3) last Saturday. The submitted lyrics were published on SongMeanings a few days later.
I have now added lyrics of all songs on Laurel Music's debut album This Night and the Next. The lyrics should be up on SongMeanings next week.
I recently created an account at SongMeanings. A friend of mine helped me transcribe the lyrics of Language of Flowers - If It's Not You (mp3) last Saturday. The submitted lyrics were published on SongMeanings a few days later.
I have now added lyrics of all songs on Laurel Music's debut album This Night and the Next. The lyrics should be up on SongMeanings next week.
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
2005 in retrospect
It is soon December, the month when lists are published everywhere. I will post my year lists of 2006 in a few days, but first I would like to look back on last year. Each year is actually a good record year and you will always find something you like as long as you make a real effort to search for it. 2005 offered many fine records and I did not hear or listen to everything properly in time for my summary of the year. The Consultants did call it quits to form a new band before I discovered their Work from Home and The Charade's debut album was a perfect example of a record that became better with time. I placed The Best Is Yet to Come as number 20 on my album list of 2005. Now I can hardly understand that it was left out of the top10, but these things happen when you lack perspective. Almost a year has passed since my original year list of 2005 and I think it is about time to fix it. Here comes the real and revised list with my favourite records of 2005.
01 Hello Saferide - Introducing ...
02 Tralala - Tralala
03 The Consultants - Work from Home
04 Architecture in Helsinki - In Case We Die
05 The Charade - The Best Is Yet to Come
06 Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
07 M83 - Before the Dawn Heals Us
08 Electrelane - Axes
09 Au Revoir Simone - Verses of Comfort, Assurance and Salvation
10 Sambassadeur - Sambassadeur
11 The Magic Numbers - The Magic Numbers
12 Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
13 Frida Hyvönen - Until Death Comes
14 Acid House Kings - Sing Along With The Acid House Kings
15 Strip Squad - The Adventures of Strip Squad
01 Hello Saferide - Introducing ...
02 Tralala - Tralala
03 The Consultants - Work from Home
04 Architecture in Helsinki - In Case We Die
05 The Charade - The Best Is Yet to Come
06 Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
07 M83 - Before the Dawn Heals Us
08 Electrelane - Axes
09 Au Revoir Simone - Verses of Comfort, Assurance and Salvation
10 Sambassadeur - Sambassadeur
11 The Magic Numbers - The Magic Numbers
12 Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
13 Frida Hyvönen - Until Death Comes
14 Acid House Kings - Sing Along With The Acid House Kings
15 Strip Squad - The Adventures of Strip Squad
I really loved Tralala's debut album. There was never a doubt that it would become my favourite record of 2005. I got to know all the songs inside out before I bought the record.
During my Christmas holiday I found a stream of a Tralala radio gig with Christmas theme. I recorded the stream. The sound quality became horrible but I listened anyway. Many times. Holiday Hearts on Fire is a wonderful Christmas song. Tralala also performed a few new songs. We're Coming Out is a straightforward upbeat pop hit.
Tralala will release their second album on November 14. My expectations are not as high as one would expect. Is That The Tralala does not play in the same league as the debut album if the opening song represents the whole record. After all, the catchy We're Coming Out is nothing compared to All Fired Up. I hope that I am wrong, that would be fantastic.
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Au Revoir Simone vs Pipas
Friday, November 17, 2006
Au Revoir Simone at Blekingska, Lund
Pipas at You Can't Hide Your Love Forever, Malmö
Sigh. A year has passed since the last time Blekingska set up a show with a really interesting foreign band. Blekingska now delivers with Au Revoir Simone. It will be a great concert, but I want to go to Pipas' show in Malmö as well. The pop club You Can't Hide Your Love Forever has only hosted two live bands before, but now decides to set up a show with Pipas on the same night that Au Revoir Simone plays at Blekingska. I do not like to choose between hearing The Disco Song and Mental live.
I will nevertheless choose Blekingska and Au Revoir Simone.
Au Revoir Simone at Blekingska, Lund
Pipas at You Can't Hide Your Love Forever, Malmö
Sigh. A year has passed since the last time Blekingska set up a show with a really interesting foreign band. Blekingska now delivers with Au Revoir Simone. It will be a great concert, but I want to go to Pipas' show in Malmö as well. The pop club You Can't Hide Your Love Forever has only hosted two live bands before, but now decides to set up a show with Pipas on the same night that Au Revoir Simone plays at Blekingska. I do not like to choose between hearing The Disco Song and Mental live.
I will nevertheless choose Blekingska and Au Revoir Simone.
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